JUDICIARY Latest Features

SCP Launched at Kaberamaido Magistrate's Court
Launch of Small Claims Procedure at the Kaberamaido Chief Magistrate Court

Kaberamaido Chief Magistrate's Court becomes the 70th court to embrace Small Claims Procedure.

The launch was presided over by Kaberamaido LCV, who was represented by Mr John Willy Ejwau. He described SCP as a "blessing" for small business owners.

"Small Claims Procedure is affordable, judgment is quick and best of all, you don't need a lawyer" he said.

He urged the residents of Kaberamaido to stop fearing courts because they are here to solve disputes.

HW Geofrey Akena, the Magistrate Grade I of the Court, said they were ready to register claims at the court.

The District Prisons Commissioner, Mr David Mucunguzi as well as representatives witnessed the launch from other JLOS Institutions.

Posted 28th, November 2019
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